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blotting pad planets


Take this opportunity to save 15% on all Prime products! Simply enter the code “backtoschool15” when placing your order and take advantage of this exclusive discount!

For star catchers and astronauts: The moll plotting pad planets brings the little ones closer to space and our solar system.

The plotting pads from moll protect the desk and provide a comfortable surface for writing and drawing. Thanks to non-slip 1.5 mm thick cellular rubber, the plotting pad stays in place even when the tabletop is slanted.

The motifs of the plotting pad bring complex subject matter closer in a playful way and convey learning content in a child-friendly manner.

Width x height: 60 x 42 cm

Take this opportunity to save 15% on all Prime products! Simply enter the code “backtoschool15” when placing your order and take advantage of this exclusive discount!


moll erklärt die Schreibunterlage

moll schenkt Vertrauen



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